We want to share this quick video about gender wellness titled "You do you!" as part of a "Love is for Everyone" campaign launched by the Calgary Alternative Services and Supports" (CASS). There is no audio, only music.
Alternative Description for a 28-second video
1st screen: Pastel coloured balloons and abstract shapes fill the white background with hand drawn cartoons of three hand-drawn figures smiling and standing, each wearing different clothing, 1st figure has dark hair, a green t-shirt, long black tight shorts, green shoes and tanned skin. the second figure has dark hair, a beard, a black t-shirt, a pink tutu, and holding green/pink/blue striped gender diversity flags, their skin is tanned, and wearing blue boots. The third figure has short wavy dark hair, a blue t-shirt, short shorts, pink shoes and is also holding a pink green, blue striped gender diversity flag. The burgundy text on the screen says "Love is for all" and below the figures, it has a hashtag that says #Genderwellness in dark navy text.
2nd screen: Colorful pastels of the rainbow in the shapes of balloons and circle shapes white background with two portraits. The First-person is smiling on the left has short red wavy hair, white skin, dark-framed glasses, wearing a light sweatshirt, they are also holding out their left hand in a peace sign. The second person has light brown short hair and smiling. The yellow text below reads "Us being us.
3rd screen: Colorful pastels of the rainbow in the shapes of balloons and circle shapes white background with two portraits. The first person on the left is smiling and has short reddish/brown straight styled very short hair on one side, spikey hair on the other side, white skin, dark glasses and is wearing a brown shirt. The second person on the right is smiling, has white skin, medium brown straight hair, a dark shirt, and is wearing a black headset and 3D eyeglasses (one red lens and one teal lens). The yellow text above says "Right to Love."
4th screen: Colorful pastels of the rainbow in the shapes of balloons and circle shapes white background with two portraits. The first person smiling on the left has dark short brown hair and is wearing round sunglasses. The second person on the right is wearing a black fedora hat and a black mask that covers their eyes, they have white skin and wearing a dark shirt.
5th screen: Colorful pastels of the rainbow in the shapes of balloons and circle shapes white background with two portraits. The first person on the left is smiling wearing a red kerchief tied in a bow on their head, white skin, dark eyeglasses, and a dark shirt. The second person is smiling, has medium coloured skin, wearing eyeglasses with one without a lens, one with a dark lens with a white lens flare above their head, wearing a white and black camoed patterned shirt. The yellow text below them reads "Us being us."
6th screen: Colorful pastels of the rainbow in the shapes of balloons and circle shape white background with one figure on the left wearing a red beret, smiling and they have white skin, hair is tied up in a ponytail and wearing a short v necked grey shirt. The burgundy text above them is a hashtag that reads #genderwellness and in dark grey text another hashtag that reads #youdoyou