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January 24, 2012

Help us present our thank you card to Premier Redford

Congrats and Thanks to Premier Card
Hoping our Premier honors the campaign commitment to raise Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) to the cost of living. Currently the amount is 1188. However it is far lower than what the Stats Canada low-income cut-off says is the average for people to live on. 

Signatures on card
Nearly 400 people have signed this card.

More sigantures on card

We hope to present this larger than life card to our premier. 
This thank you card has travelled to Churches, halls, conferences, meetings, classrooms, offices and been signed by 400 Albertans who would like to see a raise in AISH. (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped). The members of the Disability Action Hall are also part of a larger coalition known as the Calgary Ability Network.