For people who are not able to access the PDF.
Here are some links about vaccine tools from around the world for March 23rd, 2021.
Notification for when it is your turn
Signing up to be notified of your vaccination, Alberta Health Services to sign up to get notified. COVID-19
vaccine program |
Vaccine Education Videos
Government of Canada Audio-described video “Vaccine safety in Canada (described video).
10-minute Video of Self-advocates and Doctors
talking about the COVID vaccine. (Ontario) Health Care Access Research and
Developmental Disabilities.
‘Visualizing Herd Immunity’ from PBS
About the Vaccine
Government of Canada Vaccination Coverage Information
Vaccines Explained Series - World Health Organization
Easy to Read Information about COVID 19 Vaccine by Health Care Access Research and Developmental Disabilities (Ontario) plain language tools, books on COVID, isolation, and mental health.
Plain language
Community Living BC
has created pages with important information and updates related to COVID-19. Find information for
individuals, families, information for service providers,
including home-sharing providers.
Australia's Gateway Website
Government of Australian Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for people with disability. It is important we all take care to protect people with disabilities from coronavirus. Many links to plain language and ASL.
Government of Australian Department of Health Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for people with disability. It is important we all take care to protect people with disabilities from coronavirus. Many links to plain language and ASL.
COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization Dashboard This dashboard was created as a partnership between the Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center and the Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities as a starting point for understanding how the disability community is prioritized in COVID-19 vaccine distribution and intends to help people with disabilities determine when they qualify for a COVID-19 vaccine in their state.
Resources for Essential Workers
“What do Direct
Service Providers for people with disabilities need to know about COVID-19?
Government of Ohio, USA Vaccine Provider Best Practices
(Government of Ohio) January 15th, 2021 dodd_provider_best_practices.pdf
( Suggestions and best practices for administering
COVID-19 vaccines to people with developmental disabilities in clinic or
drive-thru environments.
Centre for Disease Control Direct Services Providers (USA) Protecting Yourself
with Disabilities, Protecting Yourself, Center for Disease Control Persons with
Disabilities (USA)
Find out COVID19 resources in your own language
Multi-lingual Emergency Response (MERC) Direct emails to ask COVID-19 questions to a community broker in your own anguage (16 languages)
Stories about getting the vaccine
Front line Workers experience getting the Vaccine (Ontario, Canada)
“Getting the Vaccine Blog Getting the COVID Vaccine: Kory Earle's Story” By Kory Earle and Katie Cardiff (Ontario)about “At the end of the day it is a choice, but if it’s a choice where I could save a life, save a loved one, then sign me up any day. This is what will have an impact for many days”
“Getting the Vaccine Blog Getting the COVID Vaccine: Kory Earle's Story” By Kory Earle and Katie Cardiff (Ontario)about “At the end of the day it is a choice, but if it’s a choice where I could save a life, save a loved one, then sign me up any day. This is what will have an impact for many days”
Ontario Helping People Get their COVID-19 TORONTO — The Ontario government is investing $3.7 million as part of the 2021 Budget to help seniors and people with disabilities get their COVID-19 vaccinations, where transportation is a barrier. The Province is launching this initiative to remove that barrier and ensure that anyone who wants a vaccine is able to get a vaccine.