We are thankful for this opportunity to talk about what makes a safe home!
There is a chance to share your story using a questionnaire or attend an open house by
March 14th, 2016. There will be many ways to provide your story and ideas on what makes a home safe.
Links to safety talk open houses, questions and facilitation guide can be
found here
Everyone welcome to participate!
We are also encouraged hearing from the Calgary Regional Director Dr. Alex Hillyard who encourages all of us to let people know about the consultation, followed by a letter from the Consultation Team Chair, John Te Linde....
Message from Calgary Regional Director of Disability Services
The Consultation Team for the PDD Safety Standards has launched Phase 1 of the public engagement about safety of people with developmental disabilities in their homes. Read more.
Please find attached a message from the John te Linde, Chair of the PDD Safety Standards Consultation Team, that can be shared with your staff, the individuals and families you serve, and anyone you think would be interested in participating in the engagement.
Alex Hillyard Ph.D.
Regional Director Disability Services
Human Services
Message from the Consultation Team Chair
I am pleased to advise the public engagement about the safety of people with developmental
disabilities in their homes is now underway.
Led by a consultation team of representatives from the disability community, the
engagement will focus on listening to ideas and proposed solutions from individuals,
families, service providers and other stakeholders that are not only about safety, but also
about affirming the rights of people with developmental disabilities to live in their
community with dignity.
There are two ways of providing input: an online questionnaire and community forums being
held across the province. Visit humanservices.alberta.ca/pddconsultation to fill out the
questionnaire or to get information about attending a forum. Everyone with an interest in
the well-being and community inclusion of people with developmental disabilities is
encouraged to participate.
John te Linde
Chair, PDD Safety Standards Consultation Team