Alex created this comic to help people learn about why the bill is so important for the Disability Community.
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Frame 1 Group on stage singing
"We deserve enough to live""The Federal government needs to give."
Frame 2 - Two people talk in a home
Elderly male "The federal disability benefit needs to include seniors with disabilities.Mid-Age female "Yes, disability does not disappear when you turn 65."
Frame 3 Two people in front of a home in the winter
A female in winter clothing says "My provincial disability benefits just aren't enough to cover my basic needs."
Frame 4 Two people in a medical office talk to each other
A male approximately in his 30s in a wheelchair says "Sometimes I have to go hungry because I spend so much on medical supplies."A female approximately 30 years old and also in a wheelchair says "I need a special diet which is very expensive and not covered by provincial benefits."
Female artist mid-40s says "I love making art but I often can't because the supplies and classes are too expensive."
A male in his late 20s says "You deserve to follow your dreams and passions and to have a good quality of life."
Frame 6 Two people in the kitchen cooking and wearing chef coats and chef hats
A female in her 40s says "People with disabilities don't deserve to live in poverty."A female in her late 60s says "Let's cook up a benefit that leaves no one behind."