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May 29, 2023

Happy Vote Day!

It's here! Vote Day!

Did you know 22% of Alberta's population has a disability! That's the population of Edmonton! 

Our voice matters! 

Wishing all good luck at the voter polls today... and don't forget to take your photo outside the polling station and share it with the #lickthevote Village Ice Cream folks today if you want a special ice cream treat! Read the Curiosity Article for more details! 

Still undecided, that's ok, you got this. 
Check our graphic below for how to get vote ready and good luck!

#DisabilityVote #BarrierFree23 #MyVoiceCountsAB #VoteHousing #ElectionsAB
CelebrateRight2Vote by Disability Action Hall

May 26, 2023

Is Alberta calling?

Is Alberta Calling?
Is Alberta calling? by Disability Action Hall

For the Alberta May 2023 Election, members of the Disability Action Hall created "Is Alberta calling?"  to identify election issues in response to the provincial government's ad campaign "Alberta is Calling." The original campaign’s purpose is to help attract people to Alberta. For people considering moving to Alberta, voters, and candidates we have matched the images with a recent set of events, news stories, and research compiled since October 2022 portraying the day-to-day reality.  (Link to PDF)

For the undecided voter, what’s the difference? 

Albertans are now making tougher choices between heat, food, medications, and rent. Since the pandemic, the affordability gap between purchasing power and poverty over the last three years has widened for many middle and lower-income Albertans now struggling to pay for basic needs. 

" Privilege is invisible to those who have it." - Michael Kimmel

Alberta economic review states there are over 4.6 million people who now call Alberta home, the highest growth rate in the country. Due to the strong growth rate, we are now reminding candidates to strike a better balance for Alberta's future by investing in our social safety net. This move will then aid in all Albertan's recovery and be in a better position to thrive: By improving affordable access to health and mental health care, food security, building and retaining more affordable, safe, accessible housing, increasing timely access to social services, having enough money to live, and good governance.

Here is to hoping after this election we can continue to help rebuild a province where all Albertans are proud to say, "This is our home."

For the undecided voters, we encourage you to visit the Alberta Parties at a glance using a poverty reduction lens “tool.”   Good luck with the vote Alberta. 

May 19, 2023

Alberta Election 2023 Advanced Voting (Week 4 Update)

Only 1 week left in the Alberta Election. 

Check out 5 more things you can do, and it includes all 4 newsletters from 18 community groups from across Alberta. 

Good luck with advanced voting! 

"5 things to get election ready" (May 19th 2023) Week 4 by Disability Action Hall

May 8, 2023

5 more things you can do to get election ready, edition 2

Welcome to edition 2 for "5 more things you can do to get election ready." 

Voices of Albertans with Disabilities, the Self-Advocacy Federation, and the Disability Action Hall put together a list during week 2 of the provincial election including upcoming forums, voting tools, and community statements. 

To view the PDF, please click here. The infographic contains hotlinks. 
You may also view our "Alberta Platforms 2023 at a glance using a poverty reduction lens" as it is a live document and updated to the best of our knowledge.

If you see any corrections to our election-ready guides or platform at a glance, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

5 things to get election ready May 8th 2023 by Disability Action Hall

May 1, 2023

5 things you can do to get election ready May 1st 2023

 Are you ready for the Alberta election? Here are 5 steps to get started.

Voices of Albertans with Disabilities, the Self-Advocacy Federation, and the Disability Action Hall put together a list of resources, including upcoming forums, voting tools, and community statements. 
To view the PDF, please click here. 
The infographic below contains hotlinks. 

5 things to get election ready May 1st 2023 by Disability Action Hall