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September 12, 2019

Get ready to vote! Vote day Monday October 21st!

It's that time to cast our votes for the federal election.
Are you ready? 
Image of two women with I vote do you painted on their t-shirts standing on City Street
source "Apathy is boring" (non-partisan) helping youth get ready to vote 
 Click on this link to Elections Canada

Do you know where to vote? 
Do you know who to vote for? 
Then visit the voter information site 

To learn more about different ways to vote click on this link. 

Advanced Voting days are Friday, October 11 until Monday, October 14th (Thanksgiving).  

If you have a question for the Monday, October 7th debate 5pm to 7 pm MST  (English version) click on this link
(Submit it by Sunday, September 22nd, 2019) 
The French leadership debate will be on October 10th 6 pm to-8 pm MST

September 10, 2019

Transit Summit, Thursday September 26th, 2019

Are you concerned about the future of Calgary Transit? 

We are too.  
We are co-hosting a community conversation about transit with Vibrant Communities Calgary, Calgary Climate Hub and Fair Calgary Community Voices.

Picutres of people holding signs in front of LRT, Calgar Transit Access
Register on Eventbrite for the Transit Summit, Thursday, September 26th, 2019

What: Transit Summit

Where? CNIB - 10, 11 A Street NE

When: Thursday, September 26th from 10 am to 2 pm (Lunch provided)

Why: To talk about the future of Public Transit in our City

Please register on Eventbrite 

If eventbrite is not accessible to you, please contact Hagir Sail by email at