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May 26, 2017

Media Advisory Speak Out 2017

Humanity and Me – Speak Out 2017 Media Advisory

Calgary Alberta for Friday June 2nd, 2017

Join us for a day of celebration, reflection and joy. You are invited to the 19th annual ‘Speak Out Festival’ hosted by the Disability Action Hall. ‘Humanity and Me’ is a celebration of disability rights, pride and culture movement in Alberta at the beautiful Lougheed House.
Speak Out 2017 at the Lougheed House

We begin with an outdoor drumming circle, self-guided morning tours, and noon-hour ceremony where we will be hear from honoured guests Honourable MLA Kathleen Ganley and MP Kent Hehr and many more community partners. The festival is a celebration of our past, present and future efforts. In the afternoon inside the Lougheed House, we will officially open up the pop up gallery, watch short films and have an afternoon tea & conversation about Bill 205 – The Disability Advocate bill hosted by the office of MLA Sandra Jensen & the Calgary Ability Network’s ‘Human Rights Group’. 

Who:          Disability Action Hall and community partners
What:         Humanity and Me – Speak Out 2017
Where:       The Lougheed House (707-13 Avenue SW)
When:        Friday, June 2nd, 2017 from 10 till 3 pm
Why:          Speak Out Festival - A celebration of Disability Pride, Culture and Human Rights in honour of 150+ years for Canada, 125 years for Lougheed House and 19 years for the Disability Action Hall. Politicians and special guests will be in attendance for noon hour welcoming ceremony.

Tickets available on Eventbrite

Contact:      Colleen Huston and Denise Young
Cells:          Colleen (4034733510) Denise (4035425301)
Website: for more details
Tickets:       Free for low-income (limited) register on Eventbrite
 $ 4 admission at the door (Support workers no charge)

May 19, 2017

A Disability Advocate- is it the magic bullet for systemic change?

It has been 6 months since the "Supporting Safe and Inclusive Lives" final report was released, a response to looking at the safety of Albertans with disabilities. (Link to the report) 

Politicians next week will also talk about 1 of the 11 ideas also known as 'Private Members Bill 205- Disability Advocate'. As the safety standards report states, it would be best if the disability advocate is independent and reports directly to the legislature.  We would also like to remind the government nearly 2000 Albertans were consulted and created the road map of ideas to what is needed to fix the problems. 

While private members Bill 205, (now a government bill as of this week) has opened the doors to shine a light on the issues, we ask our MLAs these three questions...

  1. What "action" has been taken since the Supporting Safe and Inclusive Lives" "report?  
  2. What are we doing to review the Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program?
  3. Are the systems in place working well?

"Building Inclusive Lives Report" calls for an advocacy office outside of government
There is not just one simple elegant solution to a complex host of issues when Albertans shared the 11 ideas to fix the problems. 
Not one magical solution for a complex problem.
An action plan is need

All 11 ideas need funding and a timeline. We need an action plan.

We are grateful for the meaningful debate for the private members 'Bill 205 -Disability Advocate'. It is a step in the right direction. However, action is needed to review the systems in place. Hall members look forward to an update on the steps taken since the release of the report. 

We also look forward to having our say how a disability advocate may help on Friday, June 2nd, 2017 at the 'Humanity and Me' Speak Out 2017 held at the Lougheed House in Calgary from 1 to 3 pm. Tickets are on Eventbrite. All are welcome!