We are a proud disability community that tells our stories, takes action and changes lives since 1998. Find us at 219, 18 St. SE Calgary, AB T2E 6J5 Ph: 403.717.7630 https://linktr.ee/actionhall
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May 31, 2014
A BIG thank you to all!!! Right2Play4 Everyone
May 29, 2014
Right 2 Play Festival Friday May 30th, 2014
Calgary, AB For immediate release
“Pedal powered bubble makers & a large fish lead the way to affordable, accessible family fun!
Eau Claire Market, Friday, May 30th, 2014”
Over 150 Calgarians of all ages will explore the art of play from 10 am until 2 pm at Eau Claire this Friday… its purpose is to create an accessible, affordable and age friendly event celebrating health, wellness and fun! The “Right to Play 4 Everyone’s” is the 16th annual speak out festival hosted by the Disability Action Hall members and friends.
Nearly 30 partners, community collaborators and vendors will encourage festival goers to frolic with hockey sticks, pot a plant, paint a mural, dance, perform, drum, zumba, karate chop, watch films, smell flowers, explore a park with other senses or connect with communitythis Friday, May 30th at Eau Claire Market from 10 am until 2 pm. People can RSVP their festival pass on eventbrite. The festival is almost sold out of passes– organizers will do their very best to welcome latecomers.
Also from 12 -1 pm the Disability Action Hall will proudly announce seven people, places and services whom make the “Right 2 Play 4 Everyone” possible across our City.
Award recipients:
- Applewood Community Park Association,
- Calgary Power Hockey League,
- Calgary Rotary Challenger Park,
- Fair Calgary,
- Inglewood Bird Sanctuary Flood Tour and Volunteer Program,
- Pamela Boyd &
-Twin Views Communal Garden and Courtyard.
Who: 16th Annual Speak Out “Right 2 Play 4 Everyone” Festival
What: Workshops, parade, displays, awards & Family Fun
Where: Eau Claire Market, 200 Barclay Parade SW
When: Friday May 30th, 2014 10 am to 2 pm
Why: To celebrate our “Right 2 Play” across the life spectrum Contact: Colleen Huston403.717.7630 Cell.403.473.3510 or
Visit: www.actionhall.ca
Email: actionhall@calgaryscope.org
Sent out: Thursday, May 29th, 2014
May 23, 2014
Media Advisory Speak Out Festival, Friday May 30th
Media Advisory, for immediate release
On Friday, May 30th over
150 Calgarians will be attending the “Right 2 Play 4 Everyone” festival. People are encouraged to attend the
many workshops, tours, parades, awards, eating,
hockey, speeches, films and community displayers celebrating at Eau Claire
Market. It is our 16th annual celebration hosted by the Disability
Action Hall and friends. We are celebrating our shared common belief that
everyone has the right to play regardless of age, disability and income!
For this incredible year of Speak Out
we have teamed up with community partners, vendors and workshop facilitators. We
will be giving out seven awards to people and spaces that have made the right
to play more accessible, affordable and available to Calgarians. Free festival
passes are also available on eventbrite.
Festivities begin at 10 at the North Plaza
of Eau Claire Market and run until 2 pm.
Who: 16th
Annual Speak Out “Right 2 Play 4 Everyone” Festival
What: Workshops,
Parade, Displays, Awards & Family Fun
Claire Market, 200 Barclay Parade SW
May 30th, 2014 10 am to 2 pm
Why: To celebrate our right to play
across the life spectrum.
Colleen 403.717.7530 or 403.473.3510, Disability Action Hall
Email: actionhall@calgaryscope.org
May 7, 2014
One week away to Speak Out 'Right 2 Play 4 Everyone' Festival Friday May 30th
Join us for an amazing action packed morning and afternoon on Friday, May 30th at Eau Claire Market from 10 until 2 pm, an all age friendly event!
We will have a parade, awards, hockey, tours and workshops, films as well as a host of community partners promoting the right to play at Eau Claire!
A fun event not to be missed, to RSVP for your ticket and festival pass, click here!
Program and workshops