We are a proud disability community that tells our stories, takes action and changes lives since 1998. Find us at 219, 18 St. SE Calgary, AB T2E 6J5 Ph: 403.717.7630 https://linktr.ee/actionhall
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July 12, 2010
July 6, 2010
What is the Right to Love Group?
The Right to Love Group!
We are proud to be sexy!!! One group member says all he had heard about is how wrong it is to love. Many of our members have only been able to define our birth as a part of our sexuality. Some people in our group have never been kissed. We believe if our community learns to support our right to love, we will be able to reduce our r changes of abuse and create fulfilling relationships with people we love and care about.
Q. What is the Right to Love Group?
Since as long as we can remember the Disability Action Hall has been talking about our right to love. We have joined in a partnership with the Calgary Sexual Health Centre and together and we hope to be challenging attitudes about our right to love. We believe everyone is a sexual human being and deserves to educate and supported. Some of us experience lip services saying it is okay to date. Other are told overnight guest are against fire regulations or to talk to our parents. Really? Talk to our parents?
We are a group of people with disabilities who want to change attitudes about our right to love.
We want to talk about healthy sexuality into the everyday world and celebrate our sexuality.
We are a group that came out of the Disability Action Hall and for the next three years we will be painting the town red with love
Q. What has the Right to Love Group done so far?
Last Valentine’s day we celebrated at Broken City. We had over 45 people join us, dance and celebrate in our right to love. We are very excited about an upcoming photo shoot to help launch our Radical Love Tour.
Q What are your plans?
We have big plans! Our plan is to work with allies, parents and organisations who are supportive our right to love. We especially enjoyed the opportunity to audit and provide feedback to a course taught by the Calgary Sexual Health Centre on how caregivers can help support us in our right to love. We will also be taking a few courses about love in the next couple of weeks. We are getting educated and excited about creating spaces for dating, friendship and in the minds of all Albertans.
How can people join you and learn more about the Right to Love?
You can call us at the Disability Action Hall at 403.717.7630 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 403.717.7630 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, check out our website www.actionhall.ca or visit our facebook group http://www.facebook.com/pages/Calgary-AB/Right-To-Love-Group/312222725495 If you want to learn more about the Calgary Sexual Health Centre please call 403.283.5580 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 403.283.5580 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or visit www.calgarysexualhealth.ca And don’t forget to come to Speak Out 12 where all Calgarians will be joining us in song and dance and painting the town red about love!
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