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April 28, 2015

Provincial Political Parties agreed to indexing AISH & reviewing social assistance programs

Over the last week, Members of the Calgary Ability Network have been asking political parties their stance on social assistance reform. Click here to review the survey sent out to all the political parties. 

The results?

Of the political parties who are registered with "Elections Alberta" 3 have responded. In alphabetical order; The Alberta Liberal Party, The Alberta Party and the Communist Party of Alberta. 

100% of Provincial Parties want to index the base amount of AISH to a reasonable amount and then index it to the cost of living, as well as review of Alberta's Social Assistance Programs to ensure no Albertans are left behind. 

Of the Provincial Parties who responded to our survey,
100% agree to review social assistance programs to ensure the base amount
is enough for Albertans to survive and not be left behind. 
To see how each party leader responded, visit this link 

We have yet to receive results from the remaining provincial parties. 
Stay tuned!

April 24, 2015

PDD Safety Standards and the Disability Communities Concerns

The Disability Community wants a suspension of the PDD Safety Standards Regulations until community conversations and an impact assessment are completed. 

We all believe that safety is important but it is one part of a broader discussion which should also include choice, rights, reasonable accommodation to live in the community and input into the policies that affect your life.

About the Safety Standards

In Alberta people with developmental disabilities who receive overnight supports have been singled out. For them to continue to receive the PDD supports that they require to live in the community they must go through the following inspections and approvals in their homes including:

·         PDD Safety Standards Inspections
·         Health Inspections (by an Executive Officer under the Public Health Act),
·         Fire Inspections (by a Safety Codes Officer under the Alberta Fire Code),
·         Safety Codes Act regulations– under Municipal Affairs that covers building, electrical, plumbing, etc., and
·         Zoning Approval – approval by the municipality on whether the residence is approved for its current usage.

The Concerns

These regulations are having a profound impact on the people with disabilities who have been forced to go through the safety requirements. These regulations could severely limit the ability to find or keep “suitable” housing in the community for people who need supports in their homes. Some examples of our concerns include:

  • Landlords are reconsidering renting to people with disabilities because they don’t have to go through the inspections and possible renovations with non-disabled citizens, 
  • Homes are requiring extensive renovations including sprinkler systems, new windows and doors, and fire suppression building materials with no clear understanding of who is paying for these changes,
  • People are having to choose between their supports and the home they live in if their home doesn't pass the inspections,
  • There is inconsistent practice of who receives the inspections - not based on your disability - but on how the services are delivered to a person,
  •  No stakeholders were consulted (the disability community, families, guardians, service providers, other systems) in this policy so many groups are concerned including other social housing organizations, landlord and tenant groups and municipal governments,
  • People with disabilities believe that their rights are being violated because there is no choice in having these inspections - which is different than for non-disabled citizens.

For more information on the PDD Safety standards and the communities concerns please go to or call Ryan Geake at (403) 717-5616. 

April 22, 2015

PDD Safety Standards, What happened to choice, consent and common sense?

Members of the Disability Action Hall will be hosting the City, PDD and community tomorrow to talk more about the PDD Safety Standards

The government forgot to ask for consent, people are very angry. To learn why we are very concerned, please visit this recent news article and take a moment to look at artwork Hall members have drawn about consent, common sense and consultation.

We encourage you to ask your provincial candidate what do they plan to do to stop Standard 8 and support community living, choice, privacy and proper community consultation. Ask them to stop the standards until a solution with dignity and no unintended consequences is created by community. 

If you are interested in talking with Premier Prentice, he will be at the Golden Age Club from 5-7 pm Friday, April 24th located at 610, 8th Avenue SE in the Calgary Fort Riding.  

I have the right to privacy

Stop Standard 8, Standard 8 Sucks

Frustrated...its stupid not being treated like a citizen,
Where was the letter asking for my consent?

I love my condo. Why do you look in people's homes. PDD does not care.
Why do you look at shampoo and towels. Stupid!

Frustrated ever night I have to bring my soap, toothbrush, towel, toothpaste to the bathroom every night.
How is this a home? 

I fell like I belong at home...Leave my home alone. 

April 15, 2015

Eat, Cook, Grow coming soon!

Members of the Disability Action Hall are very excited planning our 16th Annual Event around one of our favorite topics...FOOD! This year we will be hanging out at the Twin Views Communal Garden located at 2951, 26 Avenue SE. 
More details are coming, and if you would like to learn more about the garden, visit the site on facebook!  and check out last year's photos of happy gardeners! 

April 10, 2015

Did the Alberta Government Hear us to STOP Standard 8?

Did the Alberta Government Hear Us?
We guess not given no one was able to access a wheelchair accessible microphone
Inaccessibility, is this  representative of how the most vulnerable are really treated?

On April 1st, 2015 in blizzard like conditions self-advocates from around the Province gathered to speak out about Standard 8 and its unfair treatment of persons with disabilities renting int he private rental market due to the regulation known as the Safety Standards. 

"Nothing about us without us"

Some asked did the government hear us? Well, you be the judge. This is what was done at the legislature for the rally where citizens with reduced mobility were unable to climb the stairs to exercise freedom of speech rights. Did the Alberta Government not learn last time when former Minister Frank Oberle booked an inaccessible venue to talk to persons with disabilities? Has the government administration learned anything about collaboration, working with others and consulting with us? 

What we do know is Albertans did hear us. 

Media coverage links: 

St. Alberta Gazette Rally Against Standard Changes

Metro Calgary - Mother worries new standards will pose difficulties for her two disabled sons 

CBC News Edmonton People with disabilities worry safety rules will push rent out of reach 

We ask all of you, including Alberta Candidates to learn about this regulation and help us stop the discrimination of the most vulnerable. Help us make this an election concern for all Albertans facing a housing crisis.

April 1, 2015

Hoping to Stop Standards & Green Light for Consultation

People with Disabilities will be gathering today to speak up for their friends who are impacted by the new regulations which come into affect today requiring mandatory health, fire, safety and bylaw compliance of people privately rented homes. We are stepping back 60 years in time of fighting for community living, choice and independence. 

The regulation as written simply discriminates and creates undue hardship for persons with disabilities who wish to rent in the private rental market thereby creating conflict between landlords and persons with disabilities. We are calling up our friends and neighbors to write to MLAs and potential candidates to step up to be true leaders, stop the regulation and begin broad community wide consultation. 
Rally to stop standards for have broader community talks with no unintended consequences

Media Advisory