Accessible Widget

May 29, 2024

Thank you too all who took part in Red Shirt Day for National Access Awareness Week

We sure had a great time today wearing red and taking the pledge for AccessAbility for #RedShirtDay

Thank You!!! 

Thank you to all the amazing volunteers, Easter Seals Alberta, Alberta Ability Network, Barrier Free Alberta, Self-Advocacy Edmonton, Global TV Calgary, City Councillor Ward 10 Andre Chabot, MLA Lizette Tejada for Calgary Klein, Premiers Council on the Status of Person with Disabilities Shilo and Dominic Shaw, members of the Disability Action Hall and Calgary Scope Society who helped make the day memorable and possible. 

Media coverage here

Global TV Calgary 7:15 am morning show (4 minutes)(4 minutes)

Easter Seals Media Coverage (National) 

Hall members and Friends media coverage

Alison, the Camtographer (wheelchair-cam footage)
Lloyd's photography here! 
Dan Pederson speaking about Barrier-Free Alberta here! 
Self-Advocacy Federation on TikTok #access #roarforaccess

Taking the Pledge 

To see what everyone said feel free to visit this link and zoom in to see your photo visit this link and zoom in to see your photo by clicking on this link. 

Enjoy these 1:1 photos (1-minute video pledge) also posted on our Instagram

A group of people pose in front of the Calgary Scope Society building wearing red tshirts

It's Here! Red Shirt Day and 10 Facts about Red Shirt Day (May 29th) by the Disability Action Hall


3j jpeople with stand next to an inflatable dinosaur outside a building with signs that read Access 4 All and a person in a red tshirt with the words Roarring for Access

Red Shirt Day... It's finally here! 

We put these 10 facts together to help  build on our country's strength and help us all contribute "Forward Together!"

Text follows

10 Facts for Red Shirt Day Gathering May 29, 2024

1. Did you know?

Based on the 2022 Stats Canada report, over 27% of the population, 8 million Canadians, lives with a disability, about twice the percentage of people who reported a disability 10 years ago.

2. What is the event about?


Who:                   Disability Action Hall, Calgary Scope Society & Friends

What:                  Red Shirt Day photo booth and hot dogs

Why:                   To improve barriers to accessibility, call for an Alberta-made accessibility act and engage in the work for the Canada Disability Benefit.

When:                 Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, from 12 pm to 1 pm

Where:                Calgary Scope Society Office, 219, 18 Street SE


Remember to wear red to symbolize AccessAbility.

 3.   Why now?

We have three focuses for today...

  • Barrier Free Act for Alberta 
  • Improving the Canada Disability Benefit
  • Today, we are celebrating how we can take small daily steps to improve AccessAbility by taking the pledge and wearing red to symbolize accessibility. 

4.  Did you know Alberta does not have an accessibility act?

Alberta has over 30 patchwork pieces of legislation to guide accessibility in Alberta. It's time we make it clearer, more efficient, and more consistent under one act. It's time for Alberta to begin the policy work. Learn more at the Barrier Free Alberta website. FAQ's | BarrierFreeAB

5. Canada is designing a disability supplement and wants to hear from you. 

Canada Disability Benefit: We are concerned about the investment the federal government put forward. We want the eligibility criteria to be automatic if people are already receiving provincial benefits, as only half of the Canadians who have a disability receive the disability tax credit. We do not want the supplement to be exposed to provincial claw backs, and lastly, the supplement needs to help us get to the poverty line. Albertans on AISH (Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped) is $ 650 below the poverty line if we use the low-income cut-off  (LICO).

6. AccessAbility does not cost much, and we can work on it every day. It's about attitudes.

Many improvements to accessibility may cost very little. The biggest barrier we face is attitude. We are asking folks in attendance today what accessibility means and what they want to change about it. AccessAbility can be improved in five ways: policy, social, physical, attitude, and communication.

7. What are some of the challenges of accessibility?

The cost of inaccessibility is enormous to individuals and our society. That's why we are here. We must start somewhere and build on the work of many before us. We are all in this together. Share your support for better solutions by wearing red to help raise awareness; there is a lot more work to do! There are many great stories of society doing well to help make places better for everyone.

8. What is Red Shirt Day?

Red Shirt Day is an Easter Seals initiative and was first celebrated in 2019. It takes place on the Wednesday of National AccessAbility Week each year. Anyone can take part in Red Shirt Day. Put on your favorite red shirt, take some photos, and make a pledge to help improve accessibility and inclusion in your community. Then, post your photos and your pledge on social media with the hashtags#RedShirtDay #RedForAccessAbility To learn more about Red Shirt Dayvisit this link

Red Shirt Day & National AccessAbility Week - Easter Seals Canada

9. What is National Accessibility Week?

An annual event in Canada that celebrates the valuable contributions and leadership of persons with disabilities. The theme for 2024 is Forward Together: Accessibility and Inclusion for All, and takes place from May 26 to June 1, 2024, emphasizing the need for collective efforts to create a barrier-free Canada. Our country's strength lies in the diversity of its people—all its people—and we can all contribute to this vision.

10. Who is the Disability Action Hall?

We are a proud disability community that tells our stories, takes action, and has changed lives since 1998. Find us at 219, 18 St. SE Calgary, AB T2E 6J5 Ph: 403.717.7630

May 24, 2024

Red Shirt Day Media Release for May 29th, 2024


Red Shirt Day, Wednesday, May 29th, 2024 
Calgary, Alberta, for immediate release

“AccessAbility means more than just curb cuts;
it's about changing attitudes.”


On Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, members of the Disability Action Hall & the Calgary Scope Society invite friends and neighbours to a noon-hour #RedshirtDay celebration recognizing National AccessAbility Week (May 26 to June 1st).

We encourage people to wear red to symbolize AccessAbility, come for a hot dog, join us for a big photo at 12:30 pm, and share a pledge for greater accessibility for all. We also use this day to urge the provincial government to adopt accessibility legislation like most other provinces have.

·       “We all speak together; we are still here, and we will continue to join in solidarity working for greater accessibility for persons with disabilities.” - Lloyd

·       “Universal design is important and available to all people with disabilities, including plain language.” - Mike

·       “Accessibility is non-negotiable; everyone has the right to belong.” - Alex

·       “Accessibility should be the first word when developing public spaces.” – Jennifer


What:                 Red Shirt Day in recognition of National                                                  AccessAbility Week May 26th until June 1st, 2024

Who:                 Disability Action Hall, Calgary Scope                                                      Society

Where:              219, 18 Street SE, Calgary, Alberta.

When:               Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, 12 pm to 1 pm

How:                 Hot dog stand and photo booth, 

                          Group photo 12:30 pm

Information      Bruce Howell/Colleen Huston

Phone/text       403.813.2675/403.473.3150




#RedShirtDay #RedForAccessAbility #NAAW2024

Red Shirt Day was started in 2019 by Easter Seals Canada. Learn more about Red Shirt Day & National AccessAbility Week - Easter Seals Canada

A dog and hot dog in red tshirts holding a cell phone

May 11, 2024

Red Shirt Day May 29th from 12 -1 for National AccessAbility Week

Join us for Red Shirt Day! 

For National AccessAbility Week we will be taking part in Red Shirt Day (Wednesday, May 29th) from 12 to 1 pm at the Calgary Scope Society Office (219, 18 Street SE)  Come down to the office, people are invited to take a photo to share what AcessAbility means to you and how we can improve access in our day to day lives. 

Remember to wear red! 

Download JPG poster here! PDF here

Cartoon animation of 1 dog and 1 hot dog in red tshirts with arms up in the air to celebrate Red Shirt Day

What is Red Shirt Day?

*Copy from the Easter Seals Website 

Red Shirt Day of Action for AccessAbility and Inclusion is a day when people across Canada come together and wear red to create a visible display of solidarity: to show their support for disabled people and their families, celebrate the achievements of disabled Canadians, and to pledge their commitment to help create a fully accessible and inclusive society.

Red Shirt Day is an Easter Seals initiative and was first celebrated in 2019. It takes place on the Wednesday of National AccessAbility Week each year.

Anyone can take part in Red Shirt Day. Put on your favourite red shirt, take some photos and make a pledge to help improve accessibility and inclusion in your community. Then post your photos and your pledge on social media with the hashtags. #RedShirtDay #RedForAccessAbility

What is National AccessAbility Week?

Established in 2017, National AccessAbility Week celebrates and highlights some of the important initiatives aimed at creating an Accessible Canada.

National AccessAbility Week begins on the last Sunday in May every year. This year, National AccessAbility Week takes place from May 26 to June 1.

May 1, 2024

Reaction to the restored provincial funding for Calgary’s Low-income Transit Pass

Reaction to Restored Provincial Funding for Calgary's Fair Entry Low-Income Transit Pass

“I’m relieved that we are still being funded. But I am very concerned that cutting funding was even considered. I need the low-income transit pass for my classes and volunteering.”
– R. Disability Action Hall member

We are grateful for the clarification from the Province of Alberta today about continuing to support the low-income transit pass for Edmonton and Calgary. The low-income transit pass program, Fair Entry in Calgary, continues to be a gateway to affordable public services for over 119,000 Calgarians who make less than 
$ 30,560 annually. 

"While I am grateful for the provincial government's decision to rescind the funding cuts to low-income bus passes, it was very stressful to be faced with the potential reality of not being able to afford transportation to access my fundamental needs such as medical appointments and treatment. The population's well-being needs to be considered as it is unacceptable for the provincial government to cause undue psychological stress.” 

-Alex, Disability Action Hall Member

Despite today’s news, the Disability Action Hall believes that expanding the low-income transit pass program to include Calgarians making slightly over the poverty line would make more sense. Life is becoming more unaffordable for people in lower income brackets, and raising the threshold[i] to qualify would expand opportunities for both work and recreation for many Albertans.

“I would like to see the Province and City continue to support this effort as a permanent plan due to rising inflation costs.”  

-Lloyd, Disability Action Hall Member  

We hope the city and the province will continue to work together to ensure all Albertans have access to affordable and accessible public transit. Members of the Hall are amazed by the provincial response and see the value of affordable, accessible public transit across Alberta. 

[i] MBM Threshold Stats Canada Calgary $55 771 as the most expensive city in Canada.  Comparing the Most and Least Expensive Canadian Cities for Basic Living Costs in 2024 - Green Light Canada

Media links: 




City TV