Accessible Widget

May 1, 2024

Reaction to the restored provincial funding for Calgary’s Low-income Transit Pass

Reaction to Restored Provincial Funding for Calgary's Fair Entry Low-Income Transit Pass

“I’m relieved that we are still being funded. But I am very concerned that cutting funding was even considered. I need the low-income transit pass for my classes and volunteering.”
– R. Disability Action Hall member

We are grateful for the clarification from the Province of Alberta today about continuing to support the low-income transit pass for Edmonton and Calgary. The low-income transit pass program, Fair Entry in Calgary, continues to be a gateway to affordable public services for over 119,000 Calgarians who make less than 
$ 30,560 annually. 

"While I am grateful for the provincial government's decision to rescind the funding cuts to low-income bus passes, it was very stressful to be faced with the potential reality of not being able to afford transportation to access my fundamental needs such as medical appointments and treatment. The population's well-being needs to be considered as it is unacceptable for the provincial government to cause undue psychological stress.” 

-Alex, Disability Action Hall Member

Despite today’s news, the Disability Action Hall believes that expanding the low-income transit pass program to include Calgarians making slightly over the poverty line would make more sense. Life is becoming more unaffordable for people in lower income brackets, and raising the threshold[i] to qualify would expand opportunities for both work and recreation for many Albertans.

“I would like to see the Province and City continue to support this effort as a permanent plan due to rising inflation costs.”  

-Lloyd, Disability Action Hall Member  

We hope the city and the province will continue to work together to ensure all Albertans have access to affordable and accessible public transit. Members of the Hall are amazed by the provincial response and see the value of affordable, accessible public transit across Alberta. 

[i] MBM Threshold Stats Canada Calgary $55 771 as the most expensive city in Canada.  Comparing the Most and Least Expensive Canadian Cities for Basic Living Costs in 2024 - Green Light Canada

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